P Voros critique - Champ Show 09/11/14 (dogs)
Following the kind invitation of the committee of the Midland Dobermann Club it was my pleasure to judge dogs at this event. I would like to thank the Club for a very pleasant day aided by the club members and exhibitors, also my stewards who looked after me so well through the day.
Minor Puppy Dog 3(0)
1st Wetherall's KODAM PROPA GANDER Well presented youngster 6 months on the day. Beautiful clean outline overall leading with lovely blunt wedge shaped head, moderately deep set eye of good shape and colour giving a pleasing expression. Lovely clean arched neck leading to clean withers, lovely straight topline, compact loin, well filled croup and good tailset. Nice angulation fore and aft with good bone and nice tight feet. Moved with purpose taking charge of his class. One to watch closely in the future.
2nd Salsbury's MONARKLE GYPSY PISTOLERO. Another well proportioned puppy larger than 1, nice head from all angles, iris a little paler than ideal, lovely strong arched neck of good length, straight topline and good tailset. Angulation a little straighter than 1 fore and aft, good strong bone and nice round feet. Moved quite well.
Puppy Dog. 2(0)
1st Quigley Day & Piper's SWNYDWR DOUBLE TAKE. Standard but substantial looking dog with lovely clean overall outline. Nice masculine head marred slightly by rounder eyes than ideal and ears to grow into. Lovely strong arched neck leading to clean withers and straight topline. Well filled croup and loin, nice fore chest and good depth of brisket, good angulation front and rear with nice strong bone and tight feet. Very well presented and moved well. BPD & BPIS
2nd Dzuba's KORIFEY JET AT ZAJONTI. Taller puppy than 1 with a nice masculine head with beautiful medium set dark almond shaped eyes, a little dewlap, strong reachy neck cleanish withers beautiful topline and tailset. Depth of brisket did not quite reach the elbows, lighter in bone than 1. Moved OK.
Junior Dog. 3(1)
1st Goodwin's SATINEA ALONZO. Substantial brown dog with masculine head with good high earset giving an alert expression, slightly shorter in muzzle than ideal, nice clean neck leading to clean withers and beautiful straight sloping topline finished with lovely tailset. Good front and rear angulation, good strong bone tight feet. Moved quite well.
2nd Fisher's JOJAVIC ELITE MAFIA. Less substantial than 1 with nice masculine head, eyes nice dark colour but a little rounder than ideal, nice clean neck of good length set on clean withers good topline and tailset. Lovely front and rear angulation. Had proportionately less bone than 1 and did not move with the same purpose.
Yearling Dog 3(1)
1st King's NERAK AMERICAN DREAM. Nice dark brown coloured standard sized dog with clean overall outline, masculine head a little too heavy in skull detracting from the perfect blunt wedge shape, nice strong clean neck set on clean withers followed by beautiful topline and tailset, good depth of brisket, compact loin, good strong bone, well balanced angulation fore and aft, moved with purpose.
2nd Messrs Kelly, Parie & Parie's VONEDSTRAM VERITAS. Substantial dog of paler brown colour than 1, nice masculine head strong neck with fair reach leading into clean withers followed by good topline and tailset, fair front and rear angulation, strong bone, feet could be tighter, did not move with the same purpose as 1.
Novice Dog. 3(0)
1st Messrs Quigley, Day & Piper's SWNYDWR DOUBLE TAKE.
2nd Wetherall's KODAM PROPA GANDER.
Undergraduate Dog 2(0)
2nd Frost's DOBENARS READY TO RUMBLE AT ZEEGEEZ. Sorry notes not available.
Graduate Dog 3(0)
2nd Ward's ARITAUR INGLORIOUS AT JAGELKA. Sorry notes not available.
Post Graduate Dog 6(0)
1st Brough's REMESCA'S ROSINNI. Nice rich brown coloured substantial dog, good clean overall outline showing lovely masculine head of good proportions and shape with the desired blunt wedge when viewed from all angles, good reach of neck correctly arched, clean withers followed by beautiful straight sloping topline and good tailset. Good front and rear angulation, lovely strong bone and tight feet, moved with purpose.
2nd Cottingham's CHANCEPIXIES YAHOO. Well balanced dog overall, head with nice masculine expression but with some dewlap, reachy arched neck leading to slight wrinkle on withers, good topline when stood but did not maintain this so well on the move, good tailset, sufficient bone, feet could be tighter.
Limit Dog 10(2)
1st Goodwin's SANT KREAL CERTERO OF SATINEA. Lovely standard dog with clean well balanced overall outline, not overdone in any way, lovely masculine head with alert expression from those lovely dark mid set almond eyes, good head planes and proportions giving the correct blunt wedge shape from all angles, nice reach of neck leading to clean topline and excellent tailset, compact coupling and well filled croup, nice strong bone, good angulation front and rear, nice tight feet, moved with precision, a young dog looking at a bright future. RCC.
2nd Cox's ZELOVIAK ENDEAVOUR JW. Very similar dog to 1 but more substantial in appearance, similar lovely head, neck has a little less reach, cleanish withers, good topline and tailset, well filled croup, compact coupling, lovely strong bone, good angulation fore and aft, nice tight feet, moved well.
Open Dog 10(1)
1st Ingram's JOJAVIK MIDNIGHT EXPRESS JW ShCM. Lovely standard dog with faultless overall outline in profile, he demands attention in the ring, lovely head with good planes and proportions, strong lower jaw giving the ideal blunt wedge shaped head, lovely clean round neck with good reach and arched shape well set onto clean withers with perfect topline and tailset, compact loin and well filled croup, correct tailset being a continuation of the spine, nicely laid shoulders and good angulation fore and aft, slightly short in upper arm forcing elbows a little away from the good deep brisket, ample fore chest lovely flowing underline, good round bone and tight feet, presented in top fit condition. Took charge of the ring on the move. CC & BOS.
2nd Feeney's CH ITALO ELITE HOUSE. Similar outline overall to 1 although had more substance, head not as clean having some dewlap, fair reach of neck, set on clean withers, excellent topline and tailset, good front and rear angulation, strong round bone, tight feet, another dog who moved with purpose.
Veteran Dog 3(1)
1st Messrs Tinsley & Cox's ZELOVIAK INCANTATION WITH SHERREBENCA JW. Standard 7yr old with clean overall outline, nice balanced head with good planes and fair lower jaw giving nice blunt wedge shape, good reach of neck, clean withers, excellent topline and tailset, brisket down to elbows, a touch long in loin, front a touch under angulated compared to excellent rear, nice round bone, tight feet, moved quite well. BVIS.
2nd Robertson's ROADSWEEPER TRIGGER AT COCKNEYOKA. Taller than 1, nice head with good planes, good reach of neck nicely arched, slight wrinkle on withers, excellent topline and tailset, close coupled but showing a little excess weight, fair angulation front and rear, good strong bone, feet not so tight, for a 9 yr old was presented in good condition hiding his age well.
Peter Voros Judge.