Ruth Robinson critique – Open Show 24/07/21

Thank you to the committee for the invitation and warm welcome at my first club show and to my excellent steward Yvonne for the smooth running of the day. Thank you to all exhibitors for their entries and sportsmanship. I had a small but quality entry and was very pleased with my principal winners, and delighted to see that my BIS has since gone on to gain his crown.

MPD (0,0)
PD (3,2)

1st ROBERTSON’S Cockneyoka Dire Straits. Lovely outline on this 10mth bl/r, elegant and square with good round bone and well-muscled for age. Very good head, well-proportioned with clean cheeks and decent underjaw, super expression with dark eyes and well-set ears. Ample neck into short strong topline and correct croup and tailset, with plenty behind. Parallel front, with good forechest and depth for age, just needs to drop and tighten in elbow as he matures. Balanced angulation gave clean movement which was powerful once he settled into his stride. BPD and BPIS.

JD (2,1)

1st JONES & USHAKOVA’S Korifey Vanquish. Super stylish and compact well-boned 15mth bl/r. Faultless construction with each part flowing into the next, presenting an outline of total balance and harmony. Excellent head proportions, from his parallel planes to his deep muzzle and superb underjaw, well-filled under dark eyes and small neat ears lying close to flat cheeks. Lovely neck arches cleanly into a well-laid shoulder, firm topline held on the move and correct croup and tailset. Excellent parallel front with depth to tight elbows and well-developed forechest, standing on well-arched feet. Well-angled front and matching rear combine with excellent muscletone and strong hocks and pasterns to give effortless movement, footfall perfect from all angles with superb reach and drive. Delighted to award this exciting young male Best Dog and Best in Show.

YD (1,0)

1st THORN’S Grafmax Sargent Pepper. Well-sized 22mths bl/r with a clean balanced outline. Masculine head with equal ratios and level planes, good fill, well-placed eyes of medium hue and neat ears. Strong elegant neck into a clean topline and excellent croup and tailset, with good pasterns and well-arched feet. Elbows just need to tighten and brisket to drop as he matures. Moved out steady, just a little close behind today.

ND (3,1)

1st JONES & USHAKOVA’S Korifey Vanquish. As 1st JD.
2nd SANTORIELLO’S Rafthouse Amulet’s Child . Smart 12month bl/r boy, well up for size with ample bone. Masculine head with excellent expression, clean cheeks and neat ears, would like a touch more length to muzzle, which is deep with a good underjaw. Super reach of neck flows smoothly into a strong slightly sloping topline and well-filled croup with spot-on tailset. Ample forechest, tight elbows and strong straight hocks, with balanced angulation. Moved out positively and true. Lovely boy handled to advantage, just preferred the maturity and head of 1.

GD (0,0)
PGD (2,0)

1st WEDGBURY’S Manzart War Emblem. 2yrs bl/r. Standard sized square boy with a clean and short-coupled outline and excellent muscle. Masculine head with level planes and good width and depth, super dark eyes and neat well-set ears. Lovely long neck into short firm topline and moderate front assembly, just needs to develop a little more in forechest and ribcage as he matures. Well-angulated rear with good turn of stifle, enabling him to move out with drive and clean profile action. RBD.
2nd EVANS & BLOORE’S Amazon Alcumlow Love is Life. Standard sized 21mth br/r, cobby with plenty of bone. Masculine head with level planes, a little broad in backskull, with a good eye and well-set ears. Balanced angles, well-muscled with plenty of depth and forechest, just needs to tighten in elbow. Short firm topline with correct croup and tailset, and good underline. Movement was powerful and clean in profile, but a touch wide coming towards.

LD (1,1)
OD (1,1)
VD (0,0)
MPB (0,0)
PB (2,0)

1st HUTCHINSON & MYCROFT’S Supeta’s Diamonds R Forever. Lovely 9mth bl/r girl, square and well proportioned, with good bone and well-muscled for her age, particularly on the rear. Very nice head, feminine and strong, with level planes, excellent length and good fill and underjaw. Super dark expressive eyes and small well-set ears. Elegant neck into a strong topline which just needs to settle, forechest developing well and a deep brisket with elbows lying close. Sound front and well-angled rear with strong hocks. Very distracted standing and on the move which gave the BPD the edge today, but what I did see was powerful and clean with good drive from the rear. BPB
2nd MERRETT’S Grafmax Titania. Feminine 10mth bl/r with an elegant outline. Lovely reach of neck into balanced angulation, sufficient forechest and depth, with a clean straight topline and tidy underline. Just a little narrow all through at this stage. Pretty head with level planes, lovely almond-shaped eyes and good earset, would prefer a stronger muzzle and underjaw. Very well handled, particularly on the move where she was steady and balanced from all directions.

JB (2,0)

1st ROBERTSON’S Cockneyoka Gypsy. 15mths bl/r with a pleasing outline, square with medium bone and a lovely reach of neck into balanced angles. Just needs to broaden and deepen as she matures. Head has good length with planes developing well, would like a touch more strength to muzzle, eyes are dark and well-placed, framed by neat ears. A little erratic on the move, but when settled her profile movement was clean and balanced.
2nd HALSTEAD’S Manrio Havana Maelstrom. 12mth br/r. More substantial than 1st and very compact, looking a little taller than long at this stage but will balance out as she matures. Angulation is equal and not overdone, with a short firm topline and acceptable front. Hocks are straight and feet well-arched. Very strong wedge head whilst remaining feminine, with excellent depth and width to muzzle, good length and super underjaw. Moved ok.

YB (2,0)

1st BRADBURY’S Jodaseen Bootylicious. Smart standard sized bl/r bitch, 22mths. Super shape, square with angles balanced front to rear but not overdone. Once settled her topline is straight and held firm on the move, sloping slightly into correct croup and tailset. Good parallel front down to strong pasterns, with straight hocks and tight feet. Just needs to drop into herself as she matures. Lovely head with good length, super level planes and enough underjaw. Moved out with purpose presenting a balanced picture from all angles.
2nd THORN’S Grafmax Lucy in the Sky. 22mths bl/r with clean flowing outline and presented in super condition. Lovely elegant neck flowing smoothly into a short strong topline and correct croup and tailset. Moderate angulation balanced front to rear with a tidy underline, just needs to drop and tighten in front. Pleasing feminine head with strength and length, and very good planes and underjaw. Moved out well with a balanced gait.

NB (1,0)

1st HUTCHINSON & MYCROFT’S Supeta’s Diamonds R Forever. As 1st PB.

GB (0,0)
PGB (0,0)

LB (2,0)
1st FISHER’S Jojavik Modesty Blaise. Super smart compact shape to this 4yr bl/r bitch. Well-set body with an elegant muscular neck, could be a touch cleaner over the shoulder, into a lovely short firm topline and very good croup and tailset. Angulation is balanced, with a good return of upper arm and tight elbows, lovely straight front and a strong rear. Pleasing head, well-filled with super length, level planes, clean cheeks, good underjaw and a great expression from dark eyes. Movement was very powerful and balanced, showing excellent reach and drive.
2nd RIMMER’S Amazon Touch the Breeze in Millwood. 4yr bl/r with a clean feminine outline, a little longer cast than 1. Lovely crested neck flows into a correct topline, croup and tailset, well-angulated front and rear and a good forechest. Pretty head with good length and a narrow backskull, level planes and a dark eye, would prefer more underjaw. Moved out well with a balanced gait from all directions.

OB (2,1)

1st MORGAN’S Korifey Opium. Beautiful 4yr old bl/r bitch, strong and substantial whilst retaining elegance and presenting a sharp and balanced outline. Long feminine head with level planes, good fill and underjaw, dark eyes and well-placed ears. Lovely arched neck into correct lay of shoulder and matching upper arm. Very good front with excellent forechest and depth to close-lying elbows. Topline is strong standing and on the move, sloping gently into correct croup and tailset. Rear angulation matches front with enough turn of stifle and strong hocks. Super clean movement, covering the ground with drive and extension. Best Bitch and RBIS.

VB (5,1)

1st THORN’S Ch Taevas Black Velvet at Grafmax JW ShCM. Strong, elegant bl/r bitch of almost 8yrs. Beautiful shape, square with a short strong topline matched by a tidy underline with depth to close-lying elbows. Angles are balanced, with a very good front and ample forechest. Stunning head, strong yet feminine, well-filled and proportioned with level planes and good underjaw, would just prefer eyes a shade darker. Movement was balanced and precise in all directions. Pushed very hard in the final line-up, just couldn’t match the drive of the younger bitch today. Very happy to award her Reserve Best Bitch and BVIS.
2nd GODFREY’S Grafmax Ninette De Valois. 9.5yrs bl/r with a lovely clean and balanced outline. Feminine head with good length and well-placed eyes and ears. Beautiful neck flows into a super straight sloping topline. Well-angled fore and aft, with a good forechest and deep brisket with tight elbows. Moved out purposefully with clean footfall. Just preferred the stronger head and substance of 1.
3rd BALSHAW’S Remesca’s Vida Loca JW ShCM